Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Clears throat, gets on the box and .....

You may not know this, but amongst friends and fellow builders I have gained something of a reputation for my overly logical and at times amusing rants in world.

My rants can cover a whole host of subjects, but generally they are focused on Second Life issues and technologies that are getting my back up. I will occasionally go off topic though.

Joking and ranting aside, this blog is also designed as a stand point for ongoing technical and theory issues. Issues like Mesh, Rigged Mesh, Viewer issues, Market Place problems, etc.

So, if you want to sit back, grab a coffee, enjoy watching the loony attempting to take over the asylum with nothing more than logic and a packet of chocolate digestive biscuits.


Okay... I suppose if you are going to be reading these blogs, maybe you need to know a little more about the person behind Hemi.

It ain't pretty.

It does surprise people sometimes that 4 years ago I knew nothing about building in 3D, or Second Life.
Its still a standing joke that Second Life baffled me and for near enough 2 months I spent on SL was sitting in a bar on the Dublin Sims, scratching my head over what SL was, and what the point of it was. The reason I was sitting in the bar was, I didnt really know that there was a world full of unique sims outside of there...
Yeah... I was that clueless but following the Durr moment I had realising what SL was about, its fair to say I am a very quick study.

So... if I am not a 3D designer, what am I?
From an early age you couldnt keep a pencil out of my hand. Constantly sketching, doodling, and teaching myself how to draw.
Oddly though, at University I did my degree in Biochemistry, Genetics and Human Anatomy although there was method in my morbid madness, as during my degree course, I got a job working in Comic Books as a junior freelance artist.
Crap thing though was it was a short lived career as the well known company I was working for went bust.
From there, a few friends at University introduced me to the weird and whacky world of the internet back when 99% of the population had no clue what WWW meant.

I set up my own design firm a year later, and established one of the UK's oldest and long standing new media design houses which to this day is still out there with over 17 years in business now and mutiple awards behind it.
During that time my work has been varied, ranging from GUI and character design work in Video games, large multinational websites and loads more. I also teach as well, being a certified trainer in multiple packages. 3D work was more of a hobby. I had Poser and at the time 3D Studio Max but while I loved tinkering with things, it never really went beyond that.

I find nothing more satisfying that learning new things though, and SL presented me with an almost limitless possibility for learning... the rest is history.
But, the fact remains, everything I have learnt about 3D work, has been learnt off my own back. Self Taught so to speak and I had little previous experience.

Told you it wasnt pretty.

Anyhow... enjoy the rants and see you in the next posting

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