Yesterday, after banging my head again the desk again over Rigged mesh and its infinate limitations, I decided to get on my soapbox and have a full on rant about it.
Today, LL's announce that with some tweeks they have just released a beta viewer that effectively has Liquid mesh installed for testing.
That said, this isnt a production method - a beta of the tech and its not the Liquid mesh that we know of - its slightly different as there are now more collision elements.
However this is a step in the right direction and actually shows Linden Labs do care... occasionally... about us, the poor souls who have to fight their developments every step of the way to get them to behave.
Liquid Mesh is an elegant solution as it uses systems already prebuilt in to the viewer, and in all the tests I have seen, it works extremely well, with a few exceptions which may have been cured.
There are still questions though, the big one being this.
This isnt the first time Linden Labs have released a beta viewer that deals with the deformer project. There have been others that silently got swept under the carpet.
There were reasons for it though. Mainly it added load to the way the viewer behaved and also if memory serves, it added to Server time too which wasnt a good thing.
Liquid mesh though, using things the viewer already deals with (although you dont notice it until you walk in to a closed door), offers all the benefits of the deformer project with none of the drawbacks.
Which only leaves the question... how long before we see this as part of the viewer?
I will now go see if I can dislodge the foot that was stuck in my mouth.
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